Monday, April 15, 2013

Get the point?

Got her point, shoes! Congratulations Lyvia!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Steak and ?????


Miss Teen Wisconsin!

You find the best stuff in thrift shops!

Color Fest in Provo, Utah

Jayde and Cody (Travis's brother/other boyfriend).

Jayde and her old boyfriend!


May peace be with you!

Buddhist for the day!

Easter at the Tait's!

Crazy hair day at the Tait's!

A is for Adric!

Eater in Oh Hi O!

Da Girls!

Looks like a party! (Tess waiting for the fall out)
Let's Roll!

Uno's for pizza!

Someday I'm going to grab that!

Pool time, nap time!

Look at this crazy hat they put me in!

Attacked by bears!

Were so cool!


The gangs all here!


Super Girls!

Look at those guns!