Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Some Like It Hot!

Big guys like me are not one of them. Last night it was 90 degrees and humid. I manged to run 3 miles and then decided to hit the pool for an hour swim. The run sucked but it sure made the pool feel good.
I think I was wetter after the run than the swim.

I can't believe I deleted my blog yesterday. I meant to delete a test blog. The second I hit delete I knew what I had done. Kind of like when you lock your keys in the car. So it's starting over for me.


  1. The joy of starting over.

    But it doesn't matter if you are Big or Small, 90 is hot. My best runs this summer have been at night or in the rain.

  2. I hear you man, the last two nights have been brutual with the heat....6 miles on Tues, 22 on the bike last night...I was a full heart rate zone higher without even pushing myself.

  3. I did the same thing, except that I live in the sauna. We've had 100 degree days with 7% humidity, and the ow swim last night felt wonderful!
