Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I'm now a T.V Star! Ha Ha

From last nights news
Click the link above and then hit the "Bicycle vs Deer collision" link to see the video.

Monday, September 29, 2008

A Billion dollars is 8 Hours and 20 Minutes!

If you sat down to count from one to one billion, you would be counting for 95 years.

A tightly-packed stack of new $1,000 bills totaling $1 billion would be 63 miles high. In comparison, jet planes fly at 30,000 - 40,000 feet (5.7 - 7.7 miles high.

A billion is a difficult number to comprehend, but one advertising agency did a good job of putting that figure into some perspective in one of it's releases.

A. A billion seconds ago it was 1959.
B. A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive.
C. A billion hours ago our ancestors were living in the Stone Age.
D. A billion days ago no-one walked on the earth on two feet.
E. A billion dollars ago was only 8 hours and 20 minutes, at the rate our government is spending it.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Favre! Ha, who needs him!

Hit the road jack! we don't need you around here anymore!

If I was a Packer fan, which I'm sure glad I'm not, I would really, really be wondering why we ran one of the best quarterbacks in the history of the game out of town. I mean come on the Packers were one game from the Superbowl last year. One game! They are returning almost the same team. And then they run the leader of the team out of town. Why? Because he's not prepared to play football. Ah, yea, and today he throws six touchdown passes.

Great move, ya think?

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Friday, September 26, 2008

Okto BEER fest!

Are ya ready for some BEER? If so, then Lacrosse, Wisconsin is the place to be this weekend. Today is the kick off for Oktoberfest. It all starts at 10 this morning with the tapping of the golden keg. They bring the keg from the brewery to the fest grounds on a wagon. They actually make a parade out of it! For real! It's a parade with a keg as the star! Then they tap the keg and the party is on for the next week! Tomorrow it's the Maple leaf parade and then who knows? One year we even had a riot with tear gas, burning cop cars and everything! Maybe you saw it on cops?

Have a great weekend!

Monday, September 22, 2008

I went Run-Ning

Tonight I went running! Running! Exercise! First time in over six weeks. It was like I never missed a day,NOT. Oh man. It's like starting over,but it felt good to be out exercising.

On a side note I took Scoopie to swim team after my run and she told me my car stunk. Ahhh, I'm back!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Tough Choices

After hours of agonizing thoughts on Ironman Wisconsin 2009 I have reached a decision. I have decided that 2009 is not the year for me.

I came home from Ironman pumped up to commit again. I have my certificate that entitles me to a slot. I have until Sunday to confirm my spot. It came down to the fact the I just didn't want to train at this level for another summer. Let's face it, when your spending this much time training you miss out on things. The things I would miss out on next summer are things that I want to be there for. I can still be active in triathlons and be available for these things. I also want to do the Chequamegon 40 next year with my son. I really enjoy the off road stuff in the woods and it's a nice way to end the season. I plan on doing tri's until July and then hitting the bike hard for the Chequamegon.

There will be another year for Ironman. And if it never really works out then I'm okay with it. I think you have to be totally dedicated to do an Ironman. That would not be me in 2009. My family is behind me with whatever I decide. I think they would rather I do it. But like I said I think I want to be totally dedicated and that would not be me in 2009. All for now, have a great weekend!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Number 5 was for Da' Spandex King!

(I look like I did the race)
My niece IronSunshine just completed Ironman number five in my honor. She is an amazing athlete that has endured cancer twice in her life. You can read her race report and blog here.
Her first Ironman was the year of the heat at I-Wisconsin 2005. Next was the year of the cold and rain at I-Wi 2006. In 2007 she added Louisville and was the Ford everyday hero and went on to do I-Florida a couple of months later. That brings us to number 5 this year. It was extra special to work the finish and see her cross the line in my honor.
I didn't know a thing about it and was sure surprised to see her cross the line with the shirt she made.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Chequamegon Fat Tire Ride

Ready to ride or ready to work? This is my son Baggie Pants getting ready to ride the "Short and Fat"or "Short and Smart" as we like to call it. This is a 16 mile mountain bike race in Hayward,Wi. It's an awesome race. As you know I could not do the race because of that stupid deer. Okay, I'll spare you the whining.
Baggie Pants did awesome on the ride. The rain held of long enough for him to finish. I felt sorry for those doing the longer ride. We got to the car and the clouds opened up and the rain came down! I can't wait for next year!
Did I mention the stupid deer? Oh yea, sorry.

Done and Still Smiling!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Another Missed Race

Saturday is the Chequamegon Fat Tire race. The last two years my son, Baggie Pants, and I have done this race together. Last year it was 26 degrees at the start! We are both freezing in this picture! I was so looking forward to sharing a race with my son. Last year we did the 40 miler and he smoked me! This year we were slated for the 16 miler, the Short and Fat as it is called. We call it the Short and Smart.

The weather forecast is looking awesome for the weekend. I so wish that I was doing the race. My foot is my biggest problem. It is still very sore on the ball of my foot. Putting this much pressure on it with the rough terrain would be very risky. My elbow is pretty well healed but if I were to fall it would be bad. I know my chances of falling on this elbow is slim. I don't believe in luck but I'm a firm believer in dumb luck. I'm leaving my bike stuff at home to avoid any last minute temptation.

Have a great weekend and congratulations to all of those who completed IronMan last weekend. Enjoy your family, rest up and eat a lot of pizza! You've earned it!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I'm back!

So Lance is going back to try for number eight. I think this is a huge mistake. What does he have to gain or prove? Can he come back with the same desire and dedication to his training? I would have rather seen him pursue the Ironman! Now that would have been interesting!

Friday, September 5, 2008

$500 of Bling

What do ya think? I paid 500 dollars for this Mylar wristband. Pretty snappy I'd say. The only cool thing is that it entitles you to walk around and talk smart with all of the other athletes. Yea, I'm one of them crazy Ironman people. It sucks to be there and know that I should be doing this race. Tonight I'm going to go drive around some country roads and look for a deer to run over.

It's fun to be at the race. The swim course looked awesome today! The water was calm and there are tons of people out in the water. Tomorrow is bike porn day. I get to walk around and ogle all of the hot sexy bikes.

Oh this wristband also entitles you to sign up for 2009 on Saturday. Not that I intend to use it for that. I'm just enjoying talking smart and race strategy.

Good luck to all of those who are racing on Sunday. Wait until after 8:00 to finish and I can hang your medal around your head. Most of all have fun and enjoy your day. You've earned it!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Like a fish out of water

It has been three weeks since my crash. Since then I have not been able to exercise. I'm kind of screwed with one bad foot and one bad arm. That pretty much eliminates all exercise. I can't believe how much I miss it. What a great stress reliever aerobic exercise is. I even asked a girl at work what people that don't work out do on the weekend. She goes to the bar. Me, I'll pass on that one.

I'm excited to go to Ironman this weekend even though I can't compete. I thought about not going but I think that would be worse. It will be hard to watch knowing that without a freak accident I would have been competing and accomplishing my Ironman goal. I want to cheer on all of my Iron buddies. I picked up a shift at the finish line and will be there to greet them as they cross the line. Take care and have a great day!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

46 years young today. Yea, right whatever. It wasn't so bad until my daughter pointed out I'm now closer to 50 than 40. And then it was pointed out that I'm closer to 60 than 30. On a positive note your only as old as you feel. No wait. I take that back. I've felt closer to 60 than 30 for the last few weeks. My birthday cookie consists of a deer and a bike. ha ha

1495 was to be my official race number for I-Moo. The number that wasn't. I'm still undecided about Ironman 2009. I would like to finally have that notch in my belt but another summer of Ironman dedication doesn't sound to great right now.