Monday, September 1, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

46 years young today. Yea, right whatever. It wasn't so bad until my daughter pointed out I'm now closer to 50 than 40. And then it was pointed out that I'm closer to 60 than 30. On a positive note your only as old as you feel. No wait. I take that back. I've felt closer to 60 than 30 for the last few weeks. My birthday cookie consists of a deer and a bike. ha ha

1495 was to be my official race number for I-Moo. The number that wasn't. I'm still undecided about Ironman 2009. I would like to finally have that notch in my belt but another summer of Ironman dedication doesn't sound to great right now.

1 comment:

  1. If you're willing to go for nothing more than a finisher's medal, an IM (even IMMoo) is doable without insane levels of dedication.
    c.f. Pony-Tail Guy

    For IMMoo you'd need an extreme granny-gear though.
