Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Like a fish out of water

It has been three weeks since my crash. Since then I have not been able to exercise. I'm kind of screwed with one bad foot and one bad arm. That pretty much eliminates all exercise. I can't believe how much I miss it. What a great stress reliever aerobic exercise is. I even asked a girl at work what people that don't work out do on the weekend. She goes to the bar. Me, I'll pass on that one.

I'm excited to go to Ironman this weekend even though I can't compete. I thought about not going but I think that would be worse. It will be hard to watch knowing that without a freak accident I would have been competing and accomplishing my Ironman goal. I want to cheer on all of my Iron buddies. I picked up a shift at the finish line and will be there to greet them as they cross the line. Take care and have a great day!


  1. Enjoy as much as you can out there. It's great that you are going to volunteer that day.

  2. I am glad to hear that you are going to go and volunteer. You will get so much out of it. The participants will be so thankful that you came out to help make their day complete.

  3. With 4 months of rehab under my belt and maybe a lifetime to go, my only advice is try to keep the same routine only modified for time constraints and physical limitations.

    If you ran before work, now walk. If you rode after work, hit the gym or create some type of activity you can do like walk around the block.

    Just keep taking those practice swings, so to speak
