Friday, September 19, 2008

Tough Choices

After hours of agonizing thoughts on Ironman Wisconsin 2009 I have reached a decision. I have decided that 2009 is not the year for me.

I came home from Ironman pumped up to commit again. I have my certificate that entitles me to a slot. I have until Sunday to confirm my spot. It came down to the fact the I just didn't want to train at this level for another summer. Let's face it, when your spending this much time training you miss out on things. The things I would miss out on next summer are things that I want to be there for. I can still be active in triathlons and be available for these things. I also want to do the Chequamegon 40 next year with my son. I really enjoy the off road stuff in the woods and it's a nice way to end the season. I plan on doing tri's until July and then hitting the bike hard for the Chequamegon.

There will be another year for Ironman. And if it never really works out then I'm okay with it. I think you have to be totally dedicated to do an Ironman. That would not be me in 2009. My family is behind me with whatever I decide. I think they would rather I do it. But like I said I think I want to be totally dedicated and that would not be me in 2009. All for now, have a great weekend!


  1. Only you know what's right for you. Sounds like a great choice. The sacrafice it takes to train for something like that must really impact every aspect of your life. And there's always another year!

  2. Choices. That are never easy. You are lucky to have the support of your family and will do what is best.

  3. Thanks for the birthday wishes. I really appreciate it.

  4. You got to follow your heart, even if it's not what your brain is saying. IM will always be there, precious family time may not...

    On a side not, I know Megan, my buddy and myself are eyeing up the Kansas IM next year...June 14th....I'm just saying.....

  5. Deciding to take a few years off of IM training and focus on other things worked for me. If I had not taken the time off from that I would have missed out on other amazing experiences.

    Good on ya for thinking about the family because they are the important ones.

  6. I made the same decision after IM South Africa in 2007. I had just gotten married and did not think I could commit to the training.

    This year I just went supported my sister. It is held in our home town.

    Sitting on the sideline watching was terrible - so I am back in training for 2009!

    I know that not doing it this year was the right decision though. It also made me realise how much I missed it when not involved!
