Friday, September 26, 2008

Okto BEER fest!

Are ya ready for some BEER? If so, then Lacrosse, Wisconsin is the place to be this weekend. Today is the kick off for Oktoberfest. It all starts at 10 this morning with the tapping of the golden keg. They bring the keg from the brewery to the fest grounds on a wagon. They actually make a parade out of it! For real! It's a parade with a keg as the star! Then they tap the keg and the party is on for the next week! Tomorrow it's the Maple leaf parade and then who knows? One year we even had a riot with tear gas, burning cop cars and everything! Maybe you saw it on cops?

Have a great weekend!


  1. I think I have recovered by now from Oktoberfest 2006 in Munich (after running the Berlin marathon). I shouldn't risk another so soon....
