Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The old guy at the concert.

Monday night we loaded up the family truckster and headed to St.Paul for a not so family concert. We went to see the "Black Eyed Peas". Even though they are not really my kind of music I do enjoy a few of there songs. There stage show was amazing. It's more like a Broadway show at times than a concert. My daughter loves this band and it was her dream to see this show. They were entertaining and I enjoyed there portion of the show.

Joining the Black Eyed Peas were a couple of rap bands, LMFAO and Ludacris. This is where the old guy part comes in. I have no appreciation for this music. Not the rap part but the words and subject of the songs are disgusting. It amazes me that this kind of music exists in today's ultra hyper racial-sexist world. Where has the feminist movement gone? I don't think they listen to Ludacris or LMFAO.  It amazes me that young girls today take no offense in being sung about as pieces of meat that exist for nothing more than sex. And the names that were used to described girls was horrible.

The entire race thing is out the door when you go to a rap concert. I have never heard the "N" word more in my life. To think that there are people that lose there career over the "N" word once, as they should. And then you got guys making a career singing about the "N" word.  I guess it doesn't matter what you sing about. Just don't say it!

I could go on and on. As I said I'm the old guy at the rap concert, and glad to be old in this case. I'm going to listen to Country for the rest of the week. All for now.....

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I am going to hang my head in shame and admit that I have both Ludacris and LMFAO on my iPod along with Pitbull, Akon, Flo-Rida, and 50 Cent. They are my running buddies. They make me work hard. They are lewd, rude, and crude and they are my guilty pleasure. My husband would be shocked if knew because he is a classical music listener and my son would be weirded out I'm sure.

    And when the heat and the pace gets rough, I can always disassociate from the pain and focus on, "Shots, shots, shots, shots,shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots. EVERYBODY!!!"

    Oh, and I am jealous you got to see the Black Eyed Peas. They were here in Houston on St. Patrick's Day but since my husband hates that type of music I don't ever get to go to concerts like that. I only get to go to the Symphony. Zzzzz.
