Sunday, August 17, 2008

A look back

All in all I'm a lucky guy. Lucky to escape with only the injuries that I did. I'll never forget the sound of the crash. Seeing the deer directly in front of me and knowing that I was going to crash. When the accident was over it's kind of amazing the way your brain takes over and blocks the seriousness of the situation. I was sure I was okay, a little scraped up, but okay. All I needed was a ride home.
When I got to the clinic they had a much different attitude of my situation. They were very worried about internal injuries and especially worried about my kidneys. My first urine test showed that I had blood in my urine. I also was on the verge of passing out every time I tried to stand. The upper number of my blood pressure dropped from 140 to 90 when I got up.
A week later and I'm feeling a little better. My foot is still really swollen and my elbow, back and knee hurt like crazy. The realization that there is not going top be an ironman for me this year has set in. Up until today I thought I could still pull it off. But today it's still a struggle just to get around the house. The hard part will be knowing that I could have done it. I have visualized it all year. All those late nights at the pool away from my family knowing that it all had a finish. I never thought that it would end this way.


  1. OMG!!!

    I watch the Olympics for a week and don't keep up with the Bloggy Peeps and look what happens...

    SK, you are truly a very lucky man. A good friend of mine here in H-town who was training for IMWI hit the back of a semi on a training ride and he is out of the game as well. If it makes you feel better, the deer is probably still in a world of pain as well. Take it easy and get well. Also, be putting some thought to your new bike.

  2. S King - I don't know what to say. You are breaking my heart. I have greatly enjoyed reading what you have had to say over the year and feel so bad.

    I am very glad it was nothing more serious.

    My thoughts are with you!!

  3. My situation was a little different than yours, but it hurt (emotionally) just as much (at CDA). I'm sorry you are going through this because I really do understand. Over the next weeks, you'll be able to collect yourself and get ready for your next big adventure and next PR. Most importantly, though, is to give your body and mind the break you need. You still went through Ironman training.

  4. Hey, don't cut the movie short! The deer may have won the battle, but the war's not over yet!

    Not making IMWI is just the end of a chapter in your life - there's lots left in your heart (I can tell by the tone in your post). You'll get through this, and then realize just how far you took yourself.

    And then you'll realize you're still that close, and it's still within reach. But now you'll be stronger.

    Rest up, heal up, and be proud of how you've developed. And then make a plan.

    And know that we're all waiting for you to write the rest of the story.

    Stay strong!

  5. That which doesn't kill us, makes us stronger, eh?

    I had my own little scare this weekend...a biker decided to take a blind turn on the bike path in the oncoming traffic lane (ie the left lane)....and wouldn't you know it, I was right there....BAM, she hit right behind my leg...luckily it was a corner and neither of us were going very fast..still made the heart skip a beat though.

    Heal up Man.

  6. JEEZ!! I read all the drama and saw all the photos from a few days before (thanks for the gross photos, BTW!). That's a crazy story! And too bad about IM WI. That totally stinks!

    Glad you're OK!

  7. I am so sorry to read of your accident. I'm happy to learn things did not end up worse. That totally bites about Ironman. Take care. Are you sure you couldn't do the race? I know, I'm not in your shoes and don't know how you're feeling and I know you may not have a bite and a lot of things working against you. But with no goal expectations and no pressure on yourself..... I'm sorry if I've overstepped my bounds it just kills me to think about all your hard work and not being able to participate.
