Friday, October 17, 2008

The Return of Big Earn!

Last night was my first good night of bowling this season! Games of 244, 247 and 255 for a 746 series. I had 23 strikes, 7 spares and one open frame. So basically I had 23 strikes out of 31 shots.

I attribute this success to my recent weight gain. Since my bike crash I've added a few pounds. It sure helps to have that extra counterweight for balance when throwing the rock. Game On!


  1. Nice job! You would BUTCHER my Grandpa!

    (I'm not calling you old...)

  2. ha! i LOVE bowling - i was on a league when i was a kid. they used to give patches out for things like 3 strikes in a row. do they still do that??

  3. You have the extra weight, but do you have that wild hair???
