Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A Time For Change?

Everyone is talking about change. At first I didn't get it. Now I do. Change is what's left of my 401k.

Everyone wants to blame someone else for this crisis. I don't know who's fault it was but I do know one thing for sure. It wasn't my fault and yet I'm the one who has to pay to fix it. THAT'S NOT RIGHT. We are having this band aid bill shoved down our throat. We have to pass this bill NOW for the good of all of us. I have been honest. I have lived within my budget. I've payed my fair share and then some. Why do I have to pay again?

I don't have any faith that anyone talking about change is going to change a thing for me. The only thing that will change is who gets my money. As far as I'm concerned I still have to pay and pay and pay again. And then when you think your done paying, look out here they come again. They all take your money and look ways to get more of it? The phrase we can't afford it doesn't exist in government. To bad it doesn't work that way at my house.

1 comment:

  1. Infuriating. I wish I had some solid words of comfort, but my rage over all this is still red hot. So I am basically useless. The sad reality is that nothing will actually change, at least not for the better. I know that sounds really bleak but it reality. The good guy never wins when it comes to government (and by good guy I mean us responsible citizens, not the politicians themselves).
